Pandemic and Teaching

Among the tragedies and heart aches, the uncertainty of what tomorrow may bring – perhaps we can look at this as an opportunity to teach. Not just the home-schooled academics but the skills necessary to be productive adults.

Many children leave home without knowing THINGS! Such as, what is the difference between a Philips head and straight head screwdriver? Why do we wash clothes in cold water vs. hot water? How do we create a budget (why do we need one?), and balance a checkbook? Why are there so many choices in wattage of lightbulbs? The list is long as to what makes our lives easier and empowers us to feel good about “adulting”.

When we are good at things, we feel better about ourselves. The first time I hooked up my car to a battery charger and there were no sparks or explosions, it was a good feeling. The first time I balanced my checkbook with no left over $$ on the in or out column, it was a good feeling. Teaching our children how to do things is a positive opportunity we can take right now. Having something positive to focus our attention on by planning these life lessons may be a good idea for us during this difficult adult time.

Empower your children to know life skills. Knowledge is empowering.

Even our little ones can benefit from learning how to do things. Folding clothes, picking up and keeping things organized, helping to make healthy snacks can bring the sense of belonging to a family. When we feel we bring value to our family, it makes us feel better. Belonging is a basic need we all have. The sense of belonging provides us with a sense of value.

As our children grow, it is not easy to find the TIME to teach these important life skills. Maybe now, is a good TIME. As you teach, find ways to have fun. Laughter is great way to reduce stress. Our children are ALWAYS watching us and learning how to handle life through their experiences with us. Teach them well


Schedules and Plans


Intentional Opportunities