Happy Easter!
Family traditions always seem to resonate during the holidays. Growing up, we started with an Easter Sunrise Service with my dad at the forefront of the ceremony. The beauty of the sunrise and the time together brings very fond memories…as does the early morning, “I don’t want to get out of bed!” As with us, out children and teenagers do not established the value of family traditions until later in their life. “)
After the church service, we enjoyed hunting the hidden eggs. Finding the treats inside and we always had “bunny salad” (lettuce, EASTER hard-boiled eggs, mayonnaise with salt and pepper). Our Sunday dinner was always a special time to be together and celebrate the reason for Easter.
Photo by Italo Melo: https://www.pexels.com/photo/gold-crucifix-2356140/
Today as we hid Easter Eggs for our grandchildren, I reminisced on the many times I decorated and filled eggs, planned the meal and got the camera ready. The thoughts came to mind…how beautiful family traditions are. All my adult children are on their own and not “home” to celebrate in the same way we did as they were growing up. I am so thankful for the MEMORIES we created along the way. It will be fun watching them create their own family traditions and fond memories.