Gratitude and Joy
So, the holidays…a blessed time for family and friends. Great food, beautiful lights and changing weather among many other things. For most of us, we look forward to this special time of year. I love the holiday season, I love Thanksgiving colors and the songs of Christmas. As I listen to some of the lyrics, I find it is good to pause and remember the holidays can be a time of grief and sad memories for a lot of those around us, including me. Most of us have lost loved ones and this time of year can be especially stressful when we miss them, even our furry and feathered companions.
Gratitude isn’t just in our head: It takes root in our heart and in our senses,
for one beautiful moment…and then the next.
Photo by Monstera Production:
Self-care is always important, perhaps this time of the year it is even more important. Eat, sleep, exercise, meditate or be quiet, relax and give yourself time to recharge each day. Make time for yourself, show your children – you are important and worth taking care of. Find ways to laugh with your family, surround yourself with the positive people in your family’s lives.
Remember, our children are always watching how we handle situations. They are learning how to handle their own life situations from us. It is an important time of year to manage what is truly important. This is different for everyone and every family. The value of paying attention to what really matters will help us minimize the stress the holiday season can bring.
Planning the holidays to deliver fun rather than stress can be challenging for everyone.
One of my favorite saying is “Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance”. The five P’s. I do try to live by those words of wisdom though TIME can get in the way – mostly not enough TIME.
Ask for help, include your children in the process of decorating, cooking, singing, and enjoying the time you have together. Clean out a closet or two and give to the needy. Find ways to be giving, without spending money. Working together is as important as playing together. Make time for both.
Take this time of year to focus on what you are thankful for – grateful for. Gratitude is powerful.