It is a New Year!
Many of us begin the year with a resolution - a firm decision to do something. As I think of the upcoming year, I am excited about possibilities and plans.
As a parent, I remind mySELF that I model the behaviors I want my children to replicate or at TIMES, the opposite of what I want them to become. SomeTIMES I am at my best and model positive attitudes even thought I am tired. And someTIMES I model bad behavior by being short or not attentive to their needs because I am tired.
When our children see us doing good things to take care of ourSELF it actually makes them Feel better about theirSELF.
When they see us exercise, then they learn the importance of take care of our bodies. We they see us preparing and eating healthy meals, then they learn the good eating habits. When they see us reading, then they value education and enjoyment.
When our children watch us, they learn. They will either duplicate our behavior or do the opposite of.
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk
The research for brain health and development is becoming extensive. Here are 10 healthy things you can do to promote your brain health in 2024! (no particular order) Pick a few to model for your children.
Sleep (8 hours is best)
Reading (20 minutes per day, minimum)
Oxygen (30 minutes of cardiovascular exercises, minimum)
Food (proper foods feed the brain – and our thinking)
Spirituality (uses a part of the brain for rest, creativity and hope)
Relationship (positive contact with others)
Puzzles (stimulates and exercises different parts of our brain)
Learn Something Unknown (keeps the brain stimulated)
Music (stimulates a special part of the brain function)
and Memory Exercises (keeps our brain functioning)
In all my reading, nutrition is probably the number one factor in healthy brain development for children. Look at your community for Free Breakfasts at school, visit your public library or school library and get access to books. Get outside and breath fresh air, put a puzzle together as a family. Be intentional and create healthy Memories this year!