And 940 it is!
In a recent article, I read, “There are only 940 Saturdays between birth and when they leave for college. Use them wisely.” I was a little taken aback by the thought, “Only 940?” I sat down and did the math and yep, that is basically true.
What could you do for your children in 940 days, along with intentional thought? As I think back on raising my children, I don’t remember exactly what our Saturdays looked like. When they were babies, it was a day off from work and a time to be home, usually with a lot of cleaning, laundry and getting ready for the next week. We intentionally included a lot of play and outdoor fun. As they grew older and became more involved; it was tennis, soccer, baseball, softball, band, track, cross country and many other events and schedules. I was unaware of the intentional 940 Saturday calendar ticking off. Our memories just happened. AND there were lots of wonderful and fun memories, there was also a lot of learning that took place, for all of us.
I remember my intentional focus on vacations and travel. I wanted to spend time with my children on adventures and build memories attached to places we would see together. AND we did visit and experience many beautiful landscapes and cultures together with lots of pictures to cherish.
Photo by Yan Krukau:
I have no regrets, just wish I had been more intentional. Time flies by…they are born, they are busy and then they leave home. Now it is my turn to be intentional for myself as my Saturdays are not unlimited. I still have the opportunity to make positive memories with my children and grandchildren. With a little awareness, we all have the time to become more deliberate in our actions with those that we love.
940 Saturdays! What an opportunity!