Kick up your heals!
As the year comes to an end and a new year begins, remember the blessings we encounter each and every day.
A blessing may be conceptual; a colorful sunset, a genuine smile, hearing the snore of a pet or person. Though a snore isn’t always associated with feeling blessed, I have learned to be thankful for the noise. It means I have someone special near me.
Blessings may be tangible such as finding a coin on the ground; receiving a hug; a small hand touching yours, or a nice dinner out with family and friends. Having a home with an extra room where I may sleep when I am snoring or needing a quiet place to rest away from that special person snoring, is a blessing.
I have had and continue to have friends and family struggling through the chapters of life. I know the next chapter can bring much happiness and bliss as well as sorrow and despair. During those times, I encourage myself and my children to find the blessings. I remind myself and my children to look for them, to seek them.
My grandmother (my Oma), used to sing to us in the morning when we would stay with her. She would come into our bedrooms and open the curtains and sing, “It’s time to rise and shine and give God the glory, glory…children of the Lord!” Even as I type the words, I have the memory of her voice and the joy and smile on her face as she greeted us each morning. My children have the same memory of me – not every morning – but especially on the mornings when I knew they would be struggling with the day ahead of them, I would take the time to start their day with a little song of blessing.
It is not always easy to feel blessed, it is not always easy to think about feeling blessed, yet blessings are always there.
Photo by Allan Mas:
Celebrate when there is an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness. Search for the blessings around you. Progress is always a reason to celebrate. A higher grade on a math test; hearing a thank you or please; having a physician tell you there is hope; hearing good news from a friend; flowers in bloom; a rainy day.
Celebrate with a candle in the morning pancakes; take a walk in the sunshine. Celebrations do not need to be elaborate. Each day, as you find a blessing…celebrate and kick up your heals!