Families are Partners In Time
Benjamin Franklin wrote “Lost time is never found again.”
Ponder on that quote a moment…remember the saying, “Time flies when you are having fun?”
What is it about TIME that makes us feel it has different speeds? I remember when I was a junior in high school in Eugene, Oregon, I flew “home” to visit my grandparents for the summer. While talking with my OPA (grandfather) about the future, we talked about TIME. I mentioned how the year had flown by and he made the comment that TIME moves faster the older you get. As I have aged, I have found that statement to be very true.
Photo by Jordan Benton: https://www.pexels.com/photo/shallow-focus-of-clear-hourglass-1095601/
I also notice when we are waiting for something, it seems like minutes drag by. When we are heading towards something or someone, it seems to take forever, yet the drive back seems to return to normal speed.
In an article by Philip Gable and Bryan Pool, “desirable” time seems to move us more quickly. “It seems to be the goal, pursuit or achievement-directed action we are engaged in that really matters. Just being content or satisfied may not make time fly, but being excited or actively pursuing a desired object can create the feeling of time moving more quickly.”
I listen to my children talk about how fast this year is flying by. They are all at different ages and stages in their lives. At this TIME, I will conclude we are all having a desirable experience as we move through our lives! Thank goodness!!
Families travel through TIME together, as partners, and though I do not desire to have my life pass more quickly, I will reflect on how important the positive journey needs to be.
“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”
― Mother Teresa