AND this too shall pass!
So, when TIME isn’t flying, I do try to remind myself, “And this too shall pass!”
My dad used to say this to me as I was growing up. It was always said at a cross-roads or difficult time in my life. During a struggle of some sort.
I have done a little searching as to where the quote came from. I always thought it was biblical. Apparently not! The closest I could find is 2 Corinthians 4: 17-18 New Living Translation (NLT) 17
“For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!18 So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.”
This definitely follows along with what my dad was guiding me towards…the things we see today will soon be gone. For me, there is great solace in knowing “this too shall pass!” There will be better days ahead. It isn’t what we are handed in life, it is what we do with what is in our hand.
And sometimes what is happening to us will generate a bigger and better SELF for something we will need in our future.
As preacher’s kids, we moved a lot. The longest period of time we stayine in one town was a few years. I remember moving from Texas to Oregon. It was a very painful time in my eleven-year-old life. I left my friends, aunts, uncles, cousins, my grandparents and even my dog. I dd not want to move, to leave. though I had moved before, this time was different. The distance was over-whelming. No more visiting my grandparents on long weekends. Saying good-bye to my dog was hard even though she would be with my loving grandparents. It was a devasting time in my young life. It had been explained why were were moving. It was a positive decision for the adults in my home. There were many things to look forward to, new town, new friends, new environment. I understood all the reasons why…there was some excitement, the loss was greater.
I remember being extremely thankful to my brother and sister, I knew someone with similar feelings and fear. I knew we had each other and would support each other.
We made the move, we survived! I look back now and am very thankful for the experience. I ended up being blessed to spend summers with my grandparents rather than weekends here and there. I did make new - lifelong friendships. I have wonderful memories! I learned a lot about mySELF and as we moved again and again, I took those life lessons with me. These experiences have created my go with the flow attitude. I rely on this attitude on a regular basis! :)
There is such a vast degree of difficulties and struggles which we and our loved ones will experience in our lifetime. I have had friends struggle with addiction, cancer, loss of a child and many more life challenges. I have had moments when I thought I would not get through “it”. What I have learned is…
TIME does heal.
TIME does have the ability to leave scars.
TIME allows for learning.
TIME allows love!
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