No one can take better care of us…than US.
When it comes to health and wellness we are our best caregiver. We have the opportunity to pay attention to our mind and our body. We have the opportunity to read, do research and seek advice from our medical community.
There are TIMEs when medical interventions needs to be accessed. There are TIMEs when we need to take better care of ourSELF.
I began reading a book LIVIN Good Daily by Dr. Livingood (his real name :) His wife is a nurse and after a family member needed extensive medical care, he did lots of research on his own and has written this book to help US take better care of ourSELF to prevent the need for extensive medical care.
We all need nutrition and physical exercise to benefit our bodies. We need to supplement our nutrition due to the conditions of our food sources. We may need to filter our water. We need to have knowledge of the toxins we use and are exposed to, even in our home.
We need a cell supplement. Our cells are what makes us alive. We need to care for our cells to help prevent the dreaded “C” from taking over our cells. There is only one cell supplement in the world (as of today) and it is called ASEA REDOX. For the first 10 years of this incredible technology, the company spent much of its resources on science investigation to tame the naysayers. Today, the technology has positively assisted so many people (and pets as well as plants - anything with a cell) with their health challenges. Universities around the world are talking to this company. Many Universities around the world have created their own REDOX science labs.
REDOX is native to our bodies. Without the science of REDOX, we would not live. For more information, click the link!
Let today be the beginning of you taking care of your own health with this supplement.